Here you will learn about all our Frequently Asked Questions
Do we offer Payment Plans?

Kedron Dental Centre now offers AfterPay for all treatment plan values from $1 upwards. To be eligible, you will need to setup your own AfterPay account prior to your appointment. Once set-up, you can purchase dental services that you want today and pay for them in four equal instalments, interest fee.

Usage is subject to Afterpay approval and transaction limits. Late fees may apply if you fail to make a payment on time.

For Afterpay's terms please and visit: https://www.afterpay.com/terms-of-service

Is home bleaching safe?

Dentist dispensed and supervised tray-based–at-home teeth whitening methodology has been extensively studied and reported in the dental literature. Its effectiveness and safety has been well documented.

The most common temporary side effects are mild tooth sensitivity and slight gum irritation. Bleaching is not recommended in children younger than 16 years because the pulp chamber or nerve of the tooth is enlarged until this age. Pregnant and lactating women should also forgo teeth whitening. Cavities should be treated before undergoing any whitening procedure.

Discuss tooth whitening further with your dentist at Kedron Dental Centre.

What causes discolouration of teeth?

Discolouration of the tooth enamel can be caused by staining, aging or chemical damage to teeth. The more common causes are coffee, tea, red wine, significant amounts of cola soft drinks, cigarettes and some medications.

Genetics can also play a role in the colour of a person’s teeth – some people have a naturally brighter enamel than others. Disease and certain medications eg tetracyclines can also cause discolouration.

What are the advantages of a dental implant treatment?

Currently, dental implants are the closest method of having as natural a tooth as possible when a tooth is missing. The teeth on either side are not damaged or cut. Once the body has integrated with the titanium implant, it should be permanent.

Implants help solve some of the problems that people may have with traditional dentures and bridges which rest on the surface of the gums. When natural teeth are extracted, the bone which held them in place begins to shrink. This can cause dentures to become uncomfortable and ill-fitting. As implants provide points of firm attachment for dental prostheses, they can help solve problems posed by traditional dentures. Many people have reported that dental implants are more comfortable, convenient and attractive than the dentures they had previously worn.

Patients also report biting and chewing are often very similar to biting and chewing with normal teeth.

Why are X-rays necessary?

X-ray examinations are an important diagnostic tool providing the dentist with important information on the status of your teeth eg.

  • the presence of decay and its precise location
  • the presence of abscesses
  • the extent of periodontal disease
  • the presence of abnormal growths such as tumours or cysts
  • the condition of roots
  • any changes in the jaw bone structure
  • other signs of disease that may not be detected by visual examination.

Early detection and treatment of dental problems can save time, finances, unnecessary discomfort, stress and complications. At Kedron Dental Centre we use the latest radiographic equipment to minimise exposure.

What are fissure seals?

Fissure seals are a plastic material used to coat the grooves or fissures on the top of teeth. It acts primarily to protect the teeth from decay as a barrier is formed to prevent plaque and bacteria from commencing the decay process.

Generally, it is applied on 6 and 12 year old molar teeth, depending on the decay risk of the child and their tooth anatomy.

The retention rate of fissure sealants is around 70-90 percent. Ask your dentist at Kedron Dental Centre about fissure sealants for your child.

What happens if I don’t get my teeth cleaned regularly at the dentist?

Periodontal disease progresses as plaque and calculus are allowed to accumulate. The supporting tissues around the teeth (the gums, periodontal ligaments and bone) are lost. Pockets will form which trap even more plaque. Bad breath frequently occurs. Be mindful that once bone that supports teeth is lost, it will never regrow. Referral to a periodontist may occur.

How do I floss?

Hold the floss tightly between your thumb and forefinger for the upper teeth and between forefingers for the lower teeth with about 1 cm of floss between them, leaving no slack. Use a gentle rocking motion to guide the floss between your teeth. Avoid jerking or snapping the floss into the gums. When the floss reaches the gumline, curve the floss into a C-shape against one tooth until you feel resistance. Hold the floss against the tooth and gently scrape the side of the tooth. Move the floss away from the gum. Repeat for the other side of the gap, alongside the other tooth. Ensure all teeth are flossed, working in a set pattern.

I brush my teeth constantly but still have bad breath. What can I do?

Good daily brushing and flossing are definitely the first steps to eliminating bad breath. Brushing and flossing remove bacteria responsible for creating odorous sulphur compounds and the food they feed on. However, bacteria hide not only on and around the teeth but also on the tongue under a layer of mucous. Here odours are created.

It is best to brush your tongue daily or you may want to consider a tongue scraper. Both are extremely effective at removing this protective mucous layer from the back of the tongue.

If bad breath persists, there are mouth rinse products available. A visit to the doctor may also be necessary to eliminate other causes.

How do I prevent gum disease?

By correctly brushing and flossing your teeth and regular professional scale and cleaning you can reduce your risk of gum disease. However, factors such as stress, smoking, diabetes, pregnancy, genetics and poor health can affect gum health. Dentists at Kedron Dental Centre will suggest a preventative care program to suit your individual and specific needs.

Why do my gums bleed?

By brushing and flossing correctly every day you prevent plaque from developing around the teeth and gums. However, if there is a build up of plaque or calculus (hardened plaque) in the fold or pocket where your tooth meets your gum, bacteria develop and if allowed to multiply, gingivitis develops. This can be recognised by red, swollen gums that will bleed easily. Bleeding gums should be taken seriously as if left untreated could lead to periodontal disease.

Regular dental visits will involve scaling and cleaning to remove the hardened plaque as well as soft tissue assessment and instruction on optimal oral hygiene. A program of prevention is vital for lifelong good oral health.

I have 'chalky teeth' that decay easily. Is it because I don’t have enough calcium?

Calcium is a mineral that is used to form the enamel of the tooth, ie the very hard outer layer of the tooth. There are no blood vessels in this hard enamel, so it is not possible for calcium to be transported from your teeth to your body via your blood stream. Rather, the principal cause for ‘chalky teeth’ is erosion from an acidic environment in your mouth. These acids are a result of bacteria growing on the plaque in your mouth. Acidic drinks (eg cola drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks, wine) acidic foods (eg citrus, salt and vinegar chips) and lack of saliva will cause the tooth enamel to soften and dissolve, thus commencing the cycle of tooth decay.

Your dentist will notice the pattern of erosion in your mouth during an dental examination and be able to advise on prevention and a treatment plan to save your teeth and prevent further deterioration.

Do children before the age of three need their teeth cleaned?

The first baby tooth will erupt between 6-9 months of age. It is important that a daily cleaning routine be established. A soft cloth can be used to gently rub the erupted teeth and gums. Parents should assist their child to clean their teeth up to the age of 10 to 11 years old to ensure that it is done properly.

When should I bring my child to the dentist for the first time?

It is recommended that your child attend their first dental visit six months after the first (primary) teeth have erupted, commonly around 3 years of age. The dentist will carefully examine the development of their mouth and detect any problems such as tooth decay, prolonged thumb-sucking etc. Early examination and preventative care will protect your child’s teeth and assist to establish good oral hygiene and correct brushing and flossing techniques.

Why are baby teeth important?
  • To enable normal development of the jaw and permanent teeth
  • To maintain space for permanent teeth
  • To assist in good speech development
  • To develop a positive self-image
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